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Events and Workshops

Angels, Prayers and Miracles

"Calling upon the angels when we are in need, helps the angels fulfill their heavenly mission. We are truly co-creators with them". ~ Eileen Anglin

This workshop brings to you powerful understandings on how to work with Archangels and the power of prayers to help lead a happier life.

We work with deeply understanding and working with 4 archangels.

ArcAngels work on a higher vibration of love, peace and wisdom they unconditionally support us to release negativity, harsh energies , turbulent emotions and replace it with love, joy , peace and abundance.

Learn how the archangels can guide you in your daily lives, to live a life of ease and joy. We include guided visualizations and prayers to enhance your connection with the Archangels.

  • Archangel Raphael (emotional – physical wellbeing)
  • Archangel Jophiel ( Love )
  • Archangel Raguel ( Justice – harmony)
  • Archangel Chamuel ( Creating strong foundations )

“Prayer is powerful. It can heal, prayer can give, and it can change lives.” ~
Shane DeCreshio

Prayer is a major component of every spiritual path and traditional religion on earth for the simple reason that prayer is one of our main ways to communicate with Divine.

We guide you with tools to enhance your prayers.

• What is prayer, how it works, and why you should have this valuable tool?
• How do you use the power of words in a prayer .
• How to communicate in your own words.
• How can we pray for others?
  Location, Date & Time: TO BE ANNOUNCED  
  Workshop Cost: Rs. 11,000/- (Rupees eleven thousand only)  
Angel Communication (One-day Workshop)
This is a one day workshop to invite the Angels into your life. It is a gentle, relaxing interactive day , where you will experience the love, light, joy and peaceful energies of the angels. You will also meet your Guardian Angels and arch angels learn how to develop a stronger connection with them.
During the workshop, I lead you step by step through this process:
• Receive angelic healing–feel the loving energies of the angels fill you.
• By guided exercises and meditations to clear blockages.
• You can attune with your angels.
• Receive powerful and loving messages from your angels and the archangels.
• Receive inspiring and helpful guidance and messages about your life.
• Ask questions and receive direct answers from your angels.

  Location, Date & Time: TO BE ANNOUNCED
  Cost: Rs. 11,000/-
A Journey Towards Completion
Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. -Napoleon Hill

A Journey towards Completion

I have always been fascinated with the science of mind and spiritual dynamics; I often wondered how are the two connected? This need to put the two together led me to insightful writings by authors such as Louise Hay, Harold Bloomfield, Gay Hendricks, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper, Iyanla Vanzant (The list is too long).

Sunita Singad with Patricia Crane and the Heal Your Life Team UK
Sunita Singad with Patricia Crane and the Heal Your Life Team UK
  I also attended some profound insightful workshops and qualified myself in UK as a certified teacher (Qualified by Patricia Crane Psychologist PhD International Workshop Leader, Author, Trainer and Speaker in London) in the methods and philosophies of Healing Your Life and as such an expert in the manners of inner healing which Louise Hay pioneered.
Have you been struggling to make things happen?

Do you attract a similar pattern of people or situations in your life?
This workshop will help Nurture your Self Esteem and Facilitate your personal Growth.
You will be guided to  Learn and Implement the Art of CONSCIOUS MANIFESTING with Complete Awareness.
Designed to help you become your own best friend, Release negative belief patterns, change your thinking Learn to love and accept yourself and your inner child, understand your family dynamics Release negative emotions that block joy and creativity Affirmations in your daily life, bring about positive change. Improve your health, relationships, prosperity and much more…
Though transforming oneself is an ongoing process, the rewards are endless, you actually witness your life changing from better to best all because  I chose to make a difference to my life

"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge."
-Tuli Kupferburg
  Location, Date & Time: TO BE ANNOUNCED
  Investment Cost: Rs. 22,000/- (Rupees Twenty Two Thousand) (This transforming workshop is now available on a one-on- one session, for costing of the same please email me on
  Download Journey To Completion PPT  Download
Manifesting with Archangel Michael (One Day Workshop)
Sunita Singad with Jayn Lee Miller
Sunita Singad was certified to conduct this workshop in the UK by Jayn Lee Miller(Founder, Academy of Angelic Healing)
  During this workshop, Archangel Michael guides you to bring abundance in your life.

Powerful guided meditations and exercises allow the angels to manifest your dreams into reality by removing blocks and making you aware through the steps to manifest all the desires of your heart and soul. You will be guided to see yourself as you would really like to be with all your requirements fulfilled and then be shown how the Angels are here to support you in bringing this into reality.

You will be taught a truly amazing breathing manifesting technique that takes a minimum of two minutes a day to practice.
Cost: Rs. 11,000/-
Date: 29th September 2025,
Hotel Suba Galaxy, Andheri-East.
Rejuvenate with Crystals Workshop
About the workshop: Each Crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give Crystals their healing abilities. Crystal healing can be used to treat a wide range of conditions and ailments including headaches, insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.

Workshop Content:
This Introduction to Crystal Healing Workshop will provide participants with a thorough grounding in the basic techniques of Crystal Healing, including how to choose and care for a Crystal and also how to use a Crystal to ground and protect, Chakra Balancing and how to use Crystals in your daily life. Participants will learn 'hands on' techniques for the placing of Crystals on and around the body. During this 1 day workshop you will learn how to give a simple Crystal Therapy Treatment for relaxation to friends and family and enjoy the benefits of receiving one as you practice the techniques taught in pairs.

This workshop includes comprehensive materials and a complete set of Chakra Crystals.

Rustam conducts this experiential workshop with only 4 participants. This enables participants to get individual attention and guided hands on experience
  Location, Date & Time: TO BE ANNOUNCED  
  Workshop Cost: Rs. 8000/- per person for one day.  
Personal Numerology Consultant Available
  Workshop Cost: Rs. 4,000/- per person for one day.  
NLP One to One - For Everyday to Become Extraordinary!
Rustam learnt from John Grinder (co-creator of NLP) that NLP is the practice of understanding how people organize their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they get in everyday life.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful set of tools that can accelerate the achievement of your personal and professional goals.

NLP (one to one ) is a practical skill development workshop, simplifying and giving structure on how to practice and use NLP for maximum benefit, it will help you decode the hidden meanings and teach you the subtle influence techniques. A specific one day module designed to give you the edge in personal and professional interactions.

Workshop Cost: Rs. 5000/
I Can I Will
  This is a powerful LIFE CHANGING WORKSHOP  
Healing comes from taking responsibility: to realize that it is you - and no one else - that creates your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions." - Peter Shepherd
This workshop will empower the individual to take CHARGE and CONTROL of the most imporatant faculty one has and that is the MIND.

First time ever in Asia 2 very important elements have been combined to create results that are visible to the participants during the course of the WORKSHOP itself and become more profound with practice.

This workshop combines Breath Work techniques (which is our integral life force) by Sunita Singad the only certified trainer in India by Gay and Katie Hendricks and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) by Rustam Joseph who is certified in new and classic code NLP by co-creator of NLP John Grinder.

Suntia Singad with Gay and Katie Hendricks
Suntia Singad with Gay and Katie Hendricks in California for her Coach Certification Workshop
  Life has always guided us to unlearn and relearn, invent and reinvest to make our life even more prosperous. We have once again bought NEW tools to make your today better than yesterday so your tomorrow is all about celebrations.  
  "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde  
Rustam learnt from John Grinder (co-creator of NLP) that NLP is the practice of understanding how people organize their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do.

Gay and Katie Hendricks taught me a unique form of Breath Work and highlighted importance of body movement, which encourages whole-body, mind learning to accelerate transformation in a positive way.

The workshop we are offering combines NLP, BREATH WORK and BODY MOVEMENT to recreate internal awareness to guide you to CREATE conscious choices.
  How will you benefit by participating in this workshop
Learn the unique combination of words, actions and feelings to co create a prosperous state, Acknowledge and discipline your inner critic and welcome your inner genius
Open yourself to practical tools that enhance your life
You will learn to model excellence in your personal and professional life by maintaining a high performance state
You will be guided to become aware and take control of your subconscious behavior.
You will gain tools on the power of Focus and managing your valuable TIME
To invite better health, relationships and opportunities to prosper through breath work (Conscious Breathing draws on more than twenty years of research and practice by Gay Hendricks to present a simple yet comprehensive program that can be used every day to improve energy, mental clarity, and physical health dramatic benefits--ranging from lowered blood pressure and pain reduction to elimination of depression and anxiety--in as little as ten minutes a day.
  Investment : Rs.4,444/-  
ANGEL READING by Sunita Singad
As a Spiritual Intuitive and clairvoyant connecting to Angels and Ascended masters was a blessing. Steadily various modalities of connecting to Divinity began coming my way. The FOUNDATION of Angel Card Reading is INTEGRITY, everything else simply FLOWS. If you have a challenge that is causing STRESS or ANXIETY or simply a need for CLARITY allow the Angels to guide you. By following their guidance and messages from your Angels you will feel PEACE and HAPPINESS flowing back in your life.
  Angel Card Reading Session can be about  
  » Love & Relationships  
  » Career & Finance  
  » Family  
  » Or any other  
  • General guidance. 
  • Each session is for 45 minutes
  If you wish to book a Personal session (please note personal sessions are only in  
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